What is this all about?

Notes with Pictures… Piano made EASY!!


The Piano StoryLand Method, opened the door into the minds of my students.  They started remembering the notes, enjoying what they were playing, and their brain didn’t have to work as hard (especially those whose minds like to zigzag). This method is a beginner approach that is meant to give a solid foundation to catapult you (or your student) to the more classical approach to piano learning.

My daughter started playing hard melodies for a beginner and I was blown away. This is so fun for her!! Not only that, she is sticking with it!

A new approach to piano! Using memory techniques, chunking, and spacial recognition- Translation: Fast, fun, piano!!

A new approach to piano! Using-

  • story memory techniques

  • chunking

  • spatial recognition

Translation: Fast, fun, piano!!

If you have purchased a book, you can play along with the music for free.